Welcome! This test will help you to choose a suitable Linux distribution
for you.
- This contains 16 questions
- Choose the option(s) you want then click "Next"
- You can always skip questions by clicking "Next" without answering
- At the end of quiz, you will get distro recommendation based on your answers
options here
After our super AI 1 and Blockchain 1 powered system analyzed your option, it has suggested the following distro

Endeavour OS
This is a close to vanilla Arch, bloat free distro. Although this distro may not match all your preference, it is guaranteed that you will adapt to this distro very quickly and enjoy the forum. Here is their homepage endeavouros.com
1. I really have no idea what AI and Blockchain actually is, but they are the hot keywords every tech startup these days is using, so I also used it. Probably, search engines will rank this website higher if I have those keywords.